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Fortnite: FPS view during the Device event

Fortnite: FPS view during the Device event

At several points during the event, our avatar acquires the view of an FPS character. The sequences have given rise to strange theories about the future of Fortnite.

Fortnite: FPS view during the Device event

Fortnite has always been played as a TPS. Whether in game or in event, your point of view is "behind" your character. The Device event broke with this tradition by inserting short FPS passages. Following large white flashes, you were immersed in some sort of desk, and met a Jonesy in costume.

FortTory has compiled all the first-person scenes of the event.

In particular, these are the only excerpts from the event that include dialogue. It's worth noting that Jonesy speaks of a loop: most certainly the one that was evoked during Season 10 by the Visitor.

For some, these first-person passages are heralding a deployment of an FPS mode during Season 3. A theory to be put in the "unlikely" box for several reasons.

First of all because an FPS view would decrease the comfort of play, especially in some build fight situations. Secondly because Fortnite's business model relies primarily on the sale of skins and accessories such as the backpack! It's difficult to fully enjoy a beautiful skin when you can only see your hands grasping a weapon. We don't talk about emotes or dances...

Original content by Romain "Zorg" Becquelin.

Clémence LEMOAL
Clémence "Idril" Lemoal

La Anton Ego du jeu vidéo.