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Fortnite: Flare Gun stats and information

Fortnite: Flare Gun stats and information

The Flare Gun should warm up our Fortnite games very soon. The weapon arrived on the servers via v13.20.

Fortnite: Flare Gun stats and information

The arrival of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3 has already turned the game's arsenal upside down. Epic Games isn't planning to stop there. For a long time anticipated by the dataminers, the Flare Gun arrives in-game. We know the statistics on the weapon:



Shots per second

Magazine size

Reload time






Other information completes this basic data. The Flare Gun will apparently be able to spread fire over certain surfaces. Let's remember the use that Jonesy makes of this weapon during the teaser below, published in 2019!

We could imagine a "launcher" gameplay inflicting fire damage over time on the explosion zone. Perhaps this is a replacement for the Stink Bomb, made to flush out targets in structures and buildings?

Original content by Romain "Zorg" Becquelin.

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