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LoL: Afreeca Freecs break record for fastest LCK game

LoL: Afreeca Freecs break record for fastest LCK game

In their match opposing them to SeolHaeOne Prince, Afreeca Freecs speedran the game and destroyed their opponent's Nexus in a blink of an eye...

LoL: Afreeca Freecs break record for fastest LCK game

Photo courtesy of Riot Games.


On Saturday, Afreeca Freecs broke a record: they achieved the fastest game in LCK history.

If in itself the match was only a simple formality for the Freecs that pretty much taught a League of Legends lesson to the dead last in the standings. In the second game, the team was able to adjust its composition to speedrun the game.

After a first game for which they had opted for a late-game scaling composition (Kayle, Ezreal), an almost perfect game (14/1 on the scoreboard) that they finished in 28 minutes, they radically changed their strategy to the second.

While SeolHaeWon was moving towards a hyper scaling line-up (Ornn, Azir, Ezreal), Afreeca Freecs went all-in with a composition centered on early power spikes that can stomp champions immediately, Jayce, Kalista, and Nidalee.

The Freecs established their domination from the second minute when Mystic picked up the first blood with Kalista, by destroying HyBriD's Ezreal in an impressive 2v2. Two minutes later, the Freecs' bot lane survived a 3v2 gank then turned on their aggressor with the intervention of their jungler — finally pocketing three more kills.

Before minute six, Mystic was already sitting on a 3/0/1 K/DA — more than enough to snowball.

A game worthy of the most beautiful solo cock - League of Legends
A game worthy of the most beautiful solo cock

The rest of the game wasn't very bloody and finally ended with a few skirmishes here and there. The Freecs establish total domination on the map and secured all the availabhle objectives, including a first Herald before ten minutes.

After a first inhibitor falling in mid in the fourteenth minute, the Freecs took down the second Herald of the game, threw him in the mid lane, and finished the game in just 16 minutes 54 seconds, setting the record for the fastest game in LCK history.

The previous record was from the Summer Split 2012. Najin Shield opposed to GJR had won the game in 18 minutes and 44 seconds.

If you want to see this game by yourself, you'll find it here.

Original content by "Cthulhu".

Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

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