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LoL: Rumoured new champion Samira sees abilities seemingly leaked

LoL: Rumoured new champion Samira sees abilities seemingly leaked

Leaks are rife with League of Legends, but this one could be huge. A Brazilian streamer that previously leaked Yone and Lillia claimed that Samira is indeed the next champion and also reveals her abilities.

LoL: Rumoured new champion Samira sees abilities seemingly leaked

All the information presented in this article should be taken with caution. Nothing has been confirmed by Riot Games at this time.

A few days ago, some information about Samira, the reportedly next champion to join League of Legends, appeared on social networks. After various research, we came to the conclusion that the champion was inspired by one of the cards in Legends of Runeterra and a member of the Crimson Circle of Noxus, worshiper of Vladimir.

Today, a new source tends to confirm her identity and gives us new information about the champion.

According to Brazilian streamer Streamie, Samira's appearance would be a mix of the Miss Fortune Cowgirl skin and the visual below, but with fewer clothes, a leg holster for her weapons, a sort of feminine Rambo from Shurima (who could have gone to Noxus, who knows).

League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends

Speaking of weapons, she would have two: a pistol and a dagger. She would also have a machine gun that she would use only for her ultimate. Her dagger would look like Katarina's, but longer. Her attacks would alternate between his two weapons.

Regarding her abilities, Samira would have a damage protection spell, much like Irelia's W - Defiant Dance.

Her ultimate would be like a combination of Katarina, Urgot, and Nunu's ultimates. She would spin around while firing her machine gun and throwing daggers. Her ability will have a "counter" depending on the number of enemies hit or/and killed in order to hatch a rose (which should be its emblem) if the 5 enemy champions are reached. The complete champion's kit should be fairly easy to learn.

According to Streamie, Samira should land at the beginning of September with Patch 10.18.

Already a 152nd champion?

As we know, Riot Games wants to speed up the release of their champions and cover all of the Summoner's Rift roles every year. Proof of this is that Yone was only released two patches after Lillia. If the arrival of Samira were to be confirmed, Streamie would hold the name of the 152nd champion. According to her, I would be Seraphine a mage who would play mid lane, a logical choice in view of the last champions out.

"Samira", a possible leak of the 151st League of Legends champion?

While Yone has yet to set foot in the Summoner's Rift, a recent leak would seem to indicate the identity of the next champion to join League of Legends. She would be called Samira and could well be an ADC.

Original content by "Cthulhu".

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo