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LoL: A second wave of PsyOps skins approaching?

LoL: A second wave of PsyOps skins approaching?

Shortly after Ezreal, Master Yi, Shen, Sona, and Vi, it looks like six new champions are about to join the brand new line of skins announced for Patch 10.17.

LoL: A second wave of PsyOps skins approaching?

The PsyOps family has just been announced, and already dataminers have started to search the files of the future League of Legends client. While the skins of Ezreal, Master Yi, Shen, Sona, and Vi have already been revealed for an estimated release with Patch 10.17, it looks like a second batch is about to be announced.

It's not uncommon for champions of the same skin line to have special interactions with each other. Often, it's just replicas and other well-smelling punch-lines. The fact that PsyOps Sona can interact with the other champions mentioned above isn't surprising. What is more strange is that she can have similar interactions with champions whose allegiance to PsyOps has not yet been announced.

As the files above show, Sona's skin would have exclusive interactions with Kayle, Pyke, Samira, Viktor, Volibear, and Zed. Although it takes a little more to confirm a new wave of PsyOps skins, the track is strong enough to speculate on its arrival.

What's more, it's one more clue to confirm that Samira is indeed the 151st champion to join the Rift!

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo