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Xbox Series X Unboxing: What's included with the most powerful console ever?

Xbox Series X Unboxing: What's included with the most powerful console ever?

Xbox Series X launches on November 10, but our colleagues at MGG España have received one to test. Analysis will come later, but in the meantime enjoy this unboxing of Microsoft's new console!

Microsoft is almost ready for the launch of its new generation of consoles, which will be made up of two machines: the Xbox Series X and the Xbox Series S.

We have in our possession a Series X, the most powerful version of the system, ready to show off games at a 4K resolution and frame rates up to 120 FPS.

It is the most powerful console ever released, according to Microsoft, and for this reason they have not forsaken even the smallest detail in its packaging.

Check out the unboxing video above, and these images of what is contained in the box for a console that will set you back $499.99 / £449.99. 


The contents of the Xbox Series X box are as follows:

  • Xbox Series X console
  • Xbox Series X Controller
  • HDMI cable
  • Power cord
  • Warranty and quick guide

And nothing more. Xbox Live Gold or Game Pass codes are not included, nor are any games included in the box. 

Are you going to get an Xbox Series? Which of the two will you choose? Let us know in the comments below!

Unboxing the PS5: What's inside the box with Sony's new console?

Our colleagues at MGG España took delivery of their PS5, and decided to put together a little video showing you what you can expect when you get your hands on the new console for yourself.


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