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Fortnite: Is Agent Jonesy's appearance in a Netflix series a hint at something more?

Fortnite: Is Agent Jonesy's appearance in a Netflix series a hint at something more?

Jonesy features in Season 2, Episode 9 of Netflix series Carmen Sandiego, but is this appearance just a simple cameo, or a hint at something larger coming in 2021?

The Fortnite universe seems to have no limits, and now an apparent Easter egg has been discovered in Carmen Sandiego, Netflix' update of the classic series.

YouTuber SinX6 has discovered that during the penultimate episode of the second season, released in October 2019, features Fortnite's own poster-boy, Agent Jonesy. It's not known for sure whether this alludes to something more than just a cameo.


It's hard not to see the likeness — the hair is the same, the outfit is the same, and even the name matches.

Check out the clip above, compare it to Jonesy in Fortnite, and draw your own conclusions!

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