Riot has confirmed the arrival of League of Legends Patch 11.4 for Thursday 18. There won't be new skins revealed this time, but expect some balances changes for Champions and Items.
Patch 11.4
Champion changes
- Buffs: Katarina, Urgot, Jinx, Braum, Caitlyn, Fiora, Lee Sin, Soraka, Talon, Veigar, Amumu, Tryndamere, Varus
- Nerfs: Viego, Samira, Camille, Kai'Sa, Renekton, Skarner
Items changes
- Buffs: Mortal Reminder, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Morellonomicon, Chempunk Chainsword
- Balances: Cosmic Drive, Everfrost
- Nerfs: Moonstone Renewer
- New emote
Maintenance times haven’t been confirmed yet, but they usually begin at 03:00 PT for NA servers, 05:00 GMT for EUW servers, and 03:00 CET for EUNE servers.