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1,000 days since last Rumble and Wukong skins in League of Legends

1,000 days since last Rumble and Wukong skins in League of Legends

While Riot Games have promised more skins for League of Legends, two champions remain relatively neglected — both Wukong and Rumble last received a skin over 1,000 days ago.

1,000 days since last Rumble and Wukong skins in League of Legends

With the addition of more bee-themed skins in League of Legends, we thought it was time to take stock of whether some champions are still lagging behind others when it comes to cosmetics.

In announcing their plans for the year, Riot assured fans they would do justice to those champions who have been somewhat neglected in the past, such as Skarner or Cho'Gath.

While they have kept their promise, there are still two champions that have been forgotten — Wukong and Rumble .

These two are currently the only champions who have not received a new skin for over 1,000 days: 

  • Lancer Stratus Wukong: Released on April 4, 2018
  • Badlands Baron Rumble: Released on April 11, 2018
Lancer Stratus Wukong - League of Legends
Lancer Stratus Wukong
Badlands Baron Rumble - League of Legends
Badlands Baron Rumble

What's worse, Rumble has just four skins in total. Badlands Baron Rumble wasn't particularly well received by the community, either. In the meantime, Wukong has slightly more skins, with six.

While we don't know specifically what plans Riot have for skins this year, will Rumble and Wukong see a little love? We'll just have to wait and see.

League of Legends: Patch 11.5: New bee skins for Kog'Maw, Yuumi and Malzahar

While patch 11.4 League of Legends rolls out tonight on live servers, the skins for the next cycle are already being revealed. Discover Kog'Maw, Yuumi and Malzahar bee.

