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100 Thieves keep Ryoma as starting mid laner in week 6 of the LCS

100 Thieves keep Ryoma as starting mid laner in week 6 of the LCS

After evaluating data and looking at the team's progress, 100 Thieves is opting to keep Ryoma as starting mid laner instead of Damonte.

100 Thieves keep Ryoma as starting mid laner in week 6 of the LCS

Heading into the final week of the League of Legends Championship Series (LCS) before the Mid-Season Showdown begins, 100 Thieves provided fans with an update on their roster. The team has looked at its data, and has decided to keep Tommy “Ryoma” Le as their starting mid laner. Tanner "Damonte" Damonte will remain benched.

100 Thieves posted a video explaining the situation, with their League of Legends General Manager Christopher "PapaSmithy" Smith sharing the team's thoughts. "The takeaways from scrims this week are things that our coaching staff have been poring over, as we looked to make a decision for our roster coming into week six," PapaSmithy explains. He contintues to share that they looked at things like communication, champion pool, and much more to reach a conclusion.

PapaSmithy goes on to say: "It's a pretty long list of things that we have been reflecting on here to try to work out what the right direction is for the team, with Playoffs looming just a week after the regular season ends." In the end, he says, allowing Ryoma to play this week will provide 100 Thieves with more strategic information, which they can compare to the results they've had with Damonte in order to plan the strategy heading into the Playoffs.

Currently, 100 Thieves sits in a shared fourth place with Team Liquid, both at a 9-6 score. Their final weekend is a relatively calm one, as they play seventh-placed team Immortals and number eight FlyQuest. Their biggest hurdle of the weekend will likely be Team Liquid, whom they play against on Sunday.

Image courtesy 100 Thieves.

Tom Matthiesen
Tom Matthiesen

Esports journalist since 2015. Amateur pizza connoisseur, semi-professional binge watcher. Proud Veigar main in League of Legends.