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New Hitman 3 "premium" DLC revealed

New Hitman 3 "premium" DLC revealed

HITMAN 3: Seven Deadly Sins is an expansion of seven parts. Also, more free content's coming.

New Hitman 3 'premium' DLC revealed

"Seven Deadly Sins" is the title of the paid DLC for Hitman 3. As its title says, it will be a seven parts expansion, with each episode focusing on a sin and taking players "deep into the mind of Agent 47".

For example, the first content pack, called Act 1: Greed, allow players to get back to Dubai with new "greedy" gameplay mechanics and objectives. Every act will feature at least one unique contract, suit and item.

According to developer IO Interactive: "Featuring new gameplay opportunities, visually distinct contracts and unique sin-themed rewards, HITMAN 3: Seven Deadly Sins will subvert expectations and challenge players to resist each of the seven sins."

On the other hand, "Hitman 3: Seasons of Sins" was also announced. This is the name for the new live content, such as Escalations, Featured Contracts, Elusive Targets and even seasonal events from Hitman 1 and 2, that will be added at no additional cost.

Act 1: Greed will release on March 30. For more info, check out the official IO Interactive post.

Hitman 3 Review - Is This Agent 47's Last Ride?

With Hitman 3, IO interactive draws the World of Assassination, a series it started in 2016, to a close. Agent 47 caps off this chapter in the franchise to a close, showing the same level of class we've come to expect from the deadly hitman.

Axel Bosso

News writer, MGG EN | Argentinian freelance journalist. Almost a psychologist. Shameless Yakuza lover, Fighting Games enthusiast.