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Fortnite exploit shortens weapon crafting time

Fortnite exploit shortens weapon crafting time

That four seconds of defencelessness can be all but eradicated by exploiting this bug

Fortnite exploit shortens weapon crafting time

As we know, the new season of Fortnite allows players to craft weapons. While the results of the crafting can be a big help, as they provide stronger weapons, it also leave players defenceless as they do the crafting.

Whether it is hammering collected bones onto a shotgun or putting mechanical parts into a rifle, the crafting time can result in death; but there is an exploit that could save lives.

According to Jedisiri21's video, players can shorten the crafting time by using autorun and cancelling the initial animation.

First, autorun and then open the menu. Begin crafting, but then cancel the animation. The next time the player goes to craft, the animation should end a lot quicker; in the video the four second animation ends after just one second.

It does seem to have a varied amount of success, and players are saying that having to do the prerequisites doesn't really shorten the time spent, but it will shorten the time players are stuck in a defenceless animation; potentially saving them from a stray arrow.

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Alistar Barratt
Alistar Barratt

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