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PAX East 2021 has been cancelled

PAX East 2021 has been cancelled

On the other hand, PAX West, PAX Unplugged and PAX Online are still scheduled to happen.

PAX East 2021 has been cancelled

The Penny Arcade Expo, also known as "PAX", is a popular series of video games festivals that started in 2004. They usually take place in multiple cities, such as Seattle, Boston, Philadelphia, San Antonio and Melbourne. 

However, this year's PAX East has been cancelled. In a recent statement, the event organizers announced that this edition won't take place due to the ongoing pandemic:

"While we hoped PAX East could safely take place, we remained realistic and did not sell any tickets or space to exhibitors to avoid significantly inconveniencing our friends and partners. As we have shown via our actions throughout the pandemic, our utmost concern is the safety of the PAX family — from attendees, exhibitors, and show staff to media and content creators — as well as the local communities that host our celebrations of all things gaming. We will only move forward with a live PAX once we are confident the show will be safe for everyone."

In spite of that, It's worth mentioning that the other PAX events are still scheduled to happen as originally planned. PAX Online will take place between July 15 to 18, PAX West between September 3 to 7, and PAX Unplugged from December 10 to 12.

Both PAX West and Unplugged are in-person festivities, so this could change in the future.

"Steam Next Fest" will arrive in June

The renamed "Steam Game Festival" will feature "hundreds" of demos.

Axel Bosso

News writer, MGG EN | Argentinian freelance journalist. Almost a psychologist. Shameless Yakuza lover, Fighting Games enthusiast.