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The DAMWON Gaming World Championship skins have arrived on the PBE

The DAMWON Gaming World Championship skins have arrived on the PBE

We can now see in-game what the tribute to the 2020 League of Legends World Champions looks like.

The DAMWON Gaming World Championship skins have arrived on the PBE

After the splash art of DAMWON Gaming's League of Legends World Championship skins was teased about one week ago, we now know what they look like in-game. The five skins honoring DAMWON's triumph are part of the latest batch of skins arriving in the Public Beta Environment servers.

All the skins prominently feature the bright blue and white color combination of DAMWON's logo and incorporate the two brackets [] of their old logo (the team now plays with a new logo following their partnership with KIA). Each of the players got to select one of the champions they played during the World Championship to receive an honorary skin, and as per usual it's in the recall animation where the personal flair shines through.

The skin distribution is as follows:

  • Kennen — chosen by top laner Jang "Nuguri" Ha-gown
  • Nidalee — chosen by jungler Kim "Canyon" Geon-bu
  • Twisted Fate — chosen by mid laner Heo "ShowMaker" Su
  • Jhin — chosen by bot laner Jang "Ghost" Yong-jun
  • Leona — chosen by support player Cho "BeryL" Geon-hee

The World Championship skins will likely make their way to the live servers in two weeks, and cost 1350 RP per skin to unlock.

Patch 11.8 is scheduled to go live April 14

The patch should be deployed over night, from Tuesday to Wednesday, ready to go live on Wednesday, April 14.

Image courtesy of Riot Games.

Tom Matthiesen

Esports journalist since 2015. Amateur pizza connoisseur, semi-professional binge watcher. Proud Veigar main in League of Legends.