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New Dragon Age 4 Art teases the return of the Grey Wardens

New Dragon Age 4 Art teases the return of the Grey Wardens

The warriors which combat the Darkspawn may be making a return in the next Dragon Age game

New Dragon Age 4 Art teases the return of the Grey Wardens

Dragon Age 4's executive producer, Christian Dailey, has recently posted a new piece of concept art on Twitter.

In the art, we see a Grey Warden take front and centre, not only teasing the return of the formidable warriors but also suggesting that they may be at the forefront of the story.

The Grey Wardens are the elite warriors who defend the land of Thedas against demons and all things evil, especially Darkspawn.

Couple this with the previous teasers which mentioned Minrathous, the capital of Tevinter Imperium, which is best known as the biggest city and crowded with wizards. You know what spawns darkspawn? Mages.

Does this mean we'll see a new Blight around Tevinter? Looks like we'll have a year until we find out.

Alistar Barratt

English Nerd, Linguistics Enthusiast, Meme Connoisseur, Coffee Reliant. Alistar is here to bring some freshly-baked news for your reading pleasure!