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The new Battlefield will be revealed tomorrow

The new Battlefield will be revealed tomorrow

After months of rumors and leaks, we are finally getting an official showcase of the next Battlefield.

The new Battlefield will be revealed tomorrow

A few days ago, we told you the latest about what seems to be the next Battlefield entry, "Battlefield 2042". However, there have been rumors and leaks for months now, about the game's near future setting, the scale of the battles and other details.

However, the lack of official information is about to end. Tomorrow EA and DICE are showing their new project for everybody. As a interesting marketing campaign, they changed the franchise Twitter's profile with distorted images. Even if you search the previous entries on other platforms, you will notice something "funny".

Source: Twitter - Battlefield 2042
Source: Xbox - Battlefield 2042
Source: Steam - Battlefield 2042
Axel Bosso

News writer, MGG EN | Argentinian freelance journalist. Almost a psychologist. Shameless Yakuza lover, Fighting Games enthusiast.