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Bethesda showed a new trailer for Starfield, coming next year

Bethesda showed a new trailer for Starfield, coming next year

Starfield is coming to Xbox Game Pass as an Xbox console exclusive. The title will be released on November 11, 2022.

Bethesda showed a new trailer for Starfield, coming next year

Starfield, the next game from the creators of Fallout 4 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, was showed at the beginning of Microsoft and Bethesda E3.

It was a cinematic trailer that revealed a little bit more about the universe of the game. Apparently, everything was recorded with in-game engine, although it was a Pre-Alpha footage.

AR 9+ Starfield: Official Teaser Trailer

During an interview with The Telegraph, Director Todd Howard revealed a few details about the trailer just released. He explained that the game is set 300 years in the future and that there are many factions that you can join, with Constellation being the main one.

Regarding the structure of the game, he added:

"It’s kind of like Skyrim in terms of the structure of the game, where you're going to be who you want to be, and then there's different factions that you can join, and really carve your own path."

Starfield will release on November 11, 2022. It will be released on Xbox Series S/X and PC, day one with Game Pass.

Axel Bosso

News writer, MGG EN | Argentinian freelance journalist. Almost a psychologist. Shameless Yakuza lover, Fighting Games enthusiast.