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Capcom reveals a new trailer for Monster Hunter Stories 2 and more content coming to Rise

Capcom reveals a new trailer for Monster Hunter Stories 2 and more content coming to Rise

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin is coming out in less than a month. Plus, Monster Hunter Rise dropped detailes of version 3.1.

Capcom reveals a new trailer for Monster Hunter Stories 2 and more content coming to Rise

Monster Hunter Stories is a series of games more focused on RPG and narrative elements than the original franchise. Stories 2: Wings of Ruin has been announced a long time ago and since then it has been showed multiples times by Capcom.

During the company's E3 presentation, a new trailer was dropped, showing a bit more about the story, gameplay details and the post-launch content. Also, Monster Hunter Rise will receive Version 3.1 patch soon and you can already see the new content below.

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Trailer E3 2021
Monster Hunter Rise - June/July Update

If you are not impressed with what was shown, you will be able to try Stories 2 before actually purchasing it. A demo will be available on June 25.

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin is releasing on July 9 for PC and Nintendo Switch.

Monster Hunter Rise: How to use the Heavy Bowgun

Each weapon in Monster Hunter Rise has its own playstyle, with different attacks, patterns and mechanics. Here is a basic explanatory guide on how to play the Heavy Bow Gun, perfect for those who want to be a commando and strafe monsters or snip them between bombings.

Monster Hunter Rise: How to use the Bow

Each weapon in Monster Hunter Rise has its own playstyle, with different attacks, patterns and mechanics. Here is a basic explanatory guide on how to play the Bow during your monster hunts. With a full explanatory video.

Axel Bosso

News writer, MGG EN | Argentinian freelance journalist. Almost a psychologist. Shameless Yakuza lover, Fighting Games enthusiast.