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How much do you know about League of Legends? Test yourself with our 40-question quiz

How much do you know about League of Legends? Test yourself with our 40-question quiz

Consider yourself an expert in all things League of Legends? Take our epic quiz now and find out for sure!

How much do you know about League of Legends? Test yourself with our 40-question quiz

Summer has arrived in League of Legends and, with Riot Games on vacation, it's the perfect opportunity to relax and enjoy the vast universe of Runeterra.

We've put together a quiz consisting of 40 questions, each correct answer worth one point

Are you ready to show off that knowledge? Secure bragging rights among your mates? Get involved in a Zoom call and make a night of it! 

Remember to note down your score, and share it with us in the comments section! 

Good luck!


League of Legends

Round 1: The Basics of League of Legends

  1. How many skins are there currently in League of Legends? (as of August 5, 2021)
  2. How many Mythic items were introduced at the start of Season 11?
  3. How many champions have received a rework since the game was first created?
  4. What was the first champion designed by Riot Games?
  5. Only one champion in League of Legends history has switched from melee to ranged -- which one?
  6. What is the name of the concept champion that inspired Ziggs and Nautilus?
  7. Counting sub-categories, how many champion classes are there in the game?
  8. How many champions don't use mana?
  9. Which champion has the largest hitbox at level 1?
  10. Along with Meja's Soulstealer, there have been two other items based on accumulating stacks -- name one?


  1. 1,153, including 322 belonging to the legacy vault (as of August 2021). This would be 1,242 if we include all those that cannot be obtained normally. If you guessed between 1100 and 1300, we'll give you the point.
  2. 23
  3. 96, if we consider the game update itself, as well as VGUs (which include minor modifications).
  4. Singed
  5. Ivern, in Patch 9.20
  6. Ivan the Mad Bomber.
  7. 18. Since mages are always associated with a sub-class, there are in fact 17 "real" classes, but we're picky.
  8. 25
  9. Malphite
  10. The Leviathan or the Sword of the Occult.
Photo: David Lee/Riot Games - League of Legends
Photo: David Lee/Riot Games

Round 2: League of Legends Esports

  1. Which is the only European team to have won Worlds?
  2. Which is the only minor region to have won Worlds?
  3. Who uttered the phrase "I'm the greatest, everyone else is trash"?
  4. Who is the most successful player in the history of the LEC?
  5. Which team currently holds the title of Unofficial World Champion (as of August 5, 2021)?
  6. Besides Fnatic, G2 Esports and MAD Lions, what other team has won the European League of Legends title?
  7. How much money has League of Legends distributed in prizes in total (as of August 5, 2021)?
  8. How many minutes did the longest high-level competitive match in history last?
  9. Name one of the two teams that has come closest to achieving the Grand Slam (Spring Split, MSI, Summer Split, Worlds)?
  10. What is the best result for NA on the international stage?


  1. Fnatic, during the first edition of the 2011 World Championship.
  2. The League of Legends Master Series (LMS) was a region that brought together Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau between 2015 and 2019, before merging with the League of Legends SEA Tour (LST) to form the Pacific Championship Series (PCS). Taipei Assassins claimed the world championship in 2012.
  3. Doublelift
  4. Perkz
  5. Royal Never Give Up.
  6. Alliance won the 2014 Summer Split.
  7. Approximately $85 million.
  8. 94 minutes. This match was part of the LCK 2018 Spring Split, played between SKT T1 and Jin Air Greenwings. Jin Air won.
  9. None. SKT T1 and G2 Esports both fell in the final of the event they needed to win for the Slam -- SKT at MSI 2015, and G2 Esports at Worlds 2019.
  10. Team Liquid's second place at MSI 2019. They lost the final to G2 Esports.
Photo: Zhang Lintao/Riot Games - League of Legends
Photo: Zhang Lintao/Riot Games

Round 3: League of Legends Community

  1. Who is Guinsoo?
  2. What does "BF" from BF Glaive (Greatsword) mean, and what does it pay tribute to?
  3. What real person is Seraphine inspired by?
  4. Several champions are named after Rioters -- name one.
  5. Which famous actors have recently confessed their love for League of Legends?
  6. How did Riot pay tribute to LS?
  7. What is the name of the first item, now removed from the game, designed by a player?
  8. How many years of combined experience did it take to develop Aphelios?
  9. Who do we usually consider the best solo player in the world?
  10. When it was first released, League of Legends had a longer name -- what was it?


  1. Steve "Guinsoo" Feak is one of the designers of the DotA: Allstars mod, originally developed in Warcraft III. Recruited by Riot Games to work on League of Legends, he left the company in 2016. Even today, we can find several references to him on the Rift, such as the Guinsoo's Rageblade item.
  2. The BF Glaive refers to the legendary FPS Doom, in which you could acquire a weapon called the BFG9000 -- which stood for 'Big F*****g Gun'.
  3. According to developer Jenvun Sidhu, Seraphine was inspired by his wife, who also works at Riot.
  4. Colt "Ezreal" Hallamn, Champion Designer
    Tom "Zileas" Cadwell, Design Director (Zilean)
    Travis "Volibear" George, Product Developer
    Steve “Udyr” Mieczkowski, Product Developer
    Ryze and Tryndamere also count, in honor of Riot's founders.
  5. Dominic Monaghan and Billy Boyd from The Lord of the Rings.
  6. If you type "Last Shadow" in the search bar of the in-game shop, it will bring up both Morellonomicon and Liandry's Anguish -- a reference to LS' crusade against the former.
  7. Athene's Unholy Grail
  8. More than 200 years.
  9. Dopa
  10. League of Legends: Clash of Fates
Image: Riot Games - League of Legends
Image: Riot Games


  1. Who is Shadya?
  2. Who killed Urf?
  3. Why does Skarner hate Seraphine?
  4. Who is Swain's drinking buddy?
  5. Which two League of Legends champions are best friends and drinking partners?
  6. Besides alchol, what does Gragas' barrel contain?
  7. What are the names of the two hunters who inhabit Varus's body?
  8. Who is the oldest champion according to game lore?
  9. Besides Azir, who else was Emperor of Shurima?
  10. What is the traditional dish of Noxus?


  1. The legendary leader of the Sentinels of Light, and Akshan's mentor.
  2. Warwick. Additionally, he sometimes uses his skin as a trophy, evidenced by the Urfwick skin.
  3. Because Piltover & Zaun exterminated Skarner's species in order to acquire their exoskeletons, known for their magical properties. Seraphine's floating Hi-Fi system was designed from one of these skeletons, based on the initial version of her story.
  4. Draven.
  5. Gragas and Jax.
  6. A shard of pure ice that cannot be melted, and ensures the contents of the keg are always at the correct temperature.
  7. Kai and Valmar.
  8. Lissandra and Ivern: between 8996 and 9996 years old. We'll also give you Aurelion Sol, whose age would be... infinite.
  9. Amumu.
  10. Tacos.

How did you do, without cheating? ;) 

Faey could be the next champion to join League of Legends, according to this theory

We really want to close the Viego narrative to see what Riot Games has in store for its next stage, and according to this theory it looks like it could be Faey.

Bruno Ouviña

"Someday I'll be living in a big old city"