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Amazon delays New World release following beta

Amazon delays New World release following beta

Amazon has decided to delay the full release of New World by a few weeks, following player feedback during the recent beta.

Amazon delays New World release following beta

New World sees players explore the land of Aeternum alongside hundreds of players, in an MMO experience that offers both PvP and PvE elements.

Announced by Amazon Games back in 2016, it was recently pencilled in for an August 31, 2021 release. However, the studio has decided to give the team a few extra weeks, pushing it back to September 28, 2021.

The development team confirmed this change after receiving feedback from the community following the recent closed beta, which ended on August 3.

This way, they have an extra four weeks of development to fix bugs, improve stability and polish the game to its full potential. While this is bittersweet news, New World is sure to benefit from that extra time, based on community feedback.

Amazon has historically struggled to make the leap into video game development, with New World the only game still in development of the three originally announced in 2016.

Breakaway was canceled in 2018, while Crucible went through a difficult release in 2019. The multiplayer shooter barely made it past its opening beta, lasting just a month and ten days before returning to closed beta status. It was cancelled in October 2020. 

The prognosis for New World is a lot better, and the game looks excellent. With several streaming personalities helping to build buzz, we will see how the game fares upon full release in a couple of months.


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