Earning a pentakill is one of the most celebrated occasions in all of League of Legends. It's the feat all attack-minded players want to achieve, and never fails to be rewarding.
Usually, it's a teammate stealing the fifth kill that is the most frustrating thing for those pentakill chasers, but this time it's something else entirely that caused a player anguish.
A very expensive pentakill
The video above was shared on the League of Legends subreddit, and in it we can see just how this moment of joy turned into misery.
While playing with Kindred, a summoner named Elekktro claimed a respectable quadra kill -- and didn't want to stop there.
The player and their companions went in search of the final enemy player, finally claiming that elusive penta. It was a moment to savour -- for about two seconds.
In order to claim the last kill, Kindred dove the fountain. However, because Akshan claimed the kill once the laser took out Kindred, all four of his teammates were revived thanks to the new champion's W - Rebel passive ability.
Talk about OP....
The worst part was that Kindred's team were deep in the enemy base, with low health -- meaning the newly revived enemy team had an easy job cleaning up, running it down mid and ending the game.
We all share the pain of the player, who mutterd "I'm sorry" to his teammates with a downcast expression.
It's possibly the only time you'll ever see someone apologize after a pentakill.
Original content: MGG FR