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LoL: Gangplank changes in 11.17 really look like nerfs...

LoL: Gangplank changes in 11.17 really look like nerfs...

One of the changes coming in League of Legends Patch 11.17 is aimed at Gangplank -- which could turn him into a toplane solo queue monster.

LoL: Gangplank changes in 11.17 really look like nerfs...

League of Legends will see Patch 11.17 released on August 25, a patch more focused on solo queue games. 

Usually, changes are made to champions that aren't necessarily popular picks, but need slight adjustments in order to make them more viable -- as is the case with Gangplank this time round.

Beyond just being a buff or nerf, the goal is for a champion's abilities and stats to help players specifically excel in the solo queue meta.

However, for Gangplank, things are not quite as straightforward as they seem -- an early look at the changes points towards a considerable buff for the top lane.

Here's what's coming for the Saltwater Scourge.


Changes concern Gangplank's passive and his Q.

There are also significant changes to his barrel mechanics.

Passive - Trial by Fire

Move Speed reduced

[NERF] Move speed changed from [30%] to [15-30% by level]

Q - Parrrley

Change in attack type

[NEW] Now counts as a ranged basic attack.

E - Powder Keg

Barrels increased, crit damage increased

[NEW] Benefits from crit strike at 125% effectiveness = more damage

[BUFF] Max barrels changed from [3 at all ranks] to [3/3/4/4/5]

[NERF] Ammo recharge time increased from 18/16/14/12/10 to 18/17/16/15/14

At a glance, a total of five barrels at max level can translate to better comeback chance later in the game. However, between a lower move speed and a Q that will operate entirely differently means gameplay style will be affected. Barrel recharge time being increased means players will have to be more selective in when to use them.

Some players argue that these are just changes to reduce the power that they end up having. Others claim that they are a direct hit to Gangplank's early game and laning phase.

For now, the changes are on their way to the live server. The most striking thing, without a doubt, will be the change in Gangplank's Q attack type.

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Dominate your One For All matches in League of Legends with Twitch, the very broken Plague Rat.

Eduardo Díaz

One shot, one moment, one barrel is all you need.