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Gamescom 2021: DokeV is a new MMO from the creators of Black Desert Online, and it looks perfect

Gamescom 2021: DokeV is a new MMO from the creators of Black Desert Online, and it looks perfect

Spectacular both graphically and in terms of features, DokeV will release next year ready to shake up the MMO genre.

Gamescom 2021: DokeV is a new MMO from the creators of Black Desert Online, and it looks perfect

This blessed madness was introduced two years ago, and is made by the same developers as the successful Black Desert Online.

DokeV is one of those titles that cannot deny its Korean influence, and has aroused the curiosity of many with a new trailer shown at Gamescom 2021.

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This fantasy is a very Pokémon-style MMO, which stands out for its quite realistic and surprising premise. It truly does look incredible, with an entire city to explore and what seems to be a ton of features. 

Opening Night Live: All the big announcements from Gamescom 2021

Here are all the major announcements that Geoff and his team revealed during Gamescom Opening Night Live 2021.

Jose L. Ortega

La mitad de lo que conocemos es mentira; la otra mitad, una mentira bien construida.