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Gamescom 2021: Horizon Forbidden West gets release date

Gamescom 2021: Horizon Forbidden West gets release date

Aloy returns in early 2022 in Horizon Forbidden West, both for PS4 and PS5. As part of the Gamescom announcement, Horizon Zero Dawn is also getting the PS5 upgrade treatment.

Gamescom 2021: Horizon Forbidden West gets release date

Horizon Forbbiden West now has an official release date!

After struggles in a development cycle affected by the ongoing pandemic, Aloy will return on February 18, 2022. 

The sequel will see an all-new range of robotic foes for Aloy to take down, and will explore new frontiers in Horizon's post-apocalyptic world. 

It was confirmed that HFW would come to both PS4 and PS5 on release, continuing the trend of cross-gen games as PS5 take-up increases steadily.

Also announced was a PS5 upgrade for Horizon Zero Dawn. Running at 60fps at 4K resolution, it looks truly gorgeous.

Opening Night Live: All the big announcements from Gamescom 2021

Here are all the major announcements that Geoff and his team revealed during Gamescom Opening Night Live 2021.

Xavi Mogrovejo

Cor Petit.