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LoL: Riot shows off Vex after Brazil account accidentally leaks her in full

LoL: Riot shows off Vex after Brazil account accidentally leaks her in full

After months of waiting, Vex is almost ready to join the League of Legends roster. The official Riot Games account in Brazil has now accidentally leaked the champion her abilities in full.

LoL: Riot shows off Vex after Brazil account accidentally leaks her in full

Vex is almost here! The next League of Legends champion has been speculated on for months, and with her debut delayed due to technical problems in her development, we finally know more about what she'll bring to the Rift.

This comes from Riot Brazil, who accidentally posted her showcase video, prompting the main account to swiftly follow suit. 

This is Vex, the new League of Legends champion

One of the main characteristics of Vex is her ability to counteract enemy mobility. Riot had promised that this would be her hallmark, and the video shows how this will work.

However, that's not all that's interesting about her kit, which includes:

  • A long-range projectile that deals damage (its effects are unknown)
  • Marking enemies seems to activate an area around them that explodes over time, dealing damage and causing fear.
  • A higher speed scrolling ability
  • A possible basic attack upgrade
  • A long-range projectile that also allows her to move when finishing off an opponent, and has several charges or the ability to reset.

While we don't have official confirmation of her arrival, it's expected we could see Vex in Patch 11.19, when it goes live. 

Bruno Ouviña

"Someday I'll be living in a big old city"