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LoL: This is Riot's evalutation of this season's new champions

LoL: This is Riot's evalutation of this season's new champions

While answering several questions from the League of Legends community, a Riot developer has offered an assessment of the new champions released during Season 11.

LoL: This is Riot's evalutation of this season's new champions

New champions are always one of the most contentious issues in the League of Legends community. There is often widespread disagreement regarding their initial strength or excessive mechanics, and this has proved even more relevant in a year that has seen both Viego and Gwen dominate play.

However, Riot doesn't share this pessimistic view of the new champions, considering this season's additions a success.

What does Riot Games think of their new champions?

Ryan "Reav3" Mireles, Lead Champion Producer at Riot, stated in the Reddit Q&A that in general terms they are happy with the work done on champions this season.

He stated that Viego and Dr. Mundo landed 'exactly where we shotcalled', and is a case similar to that of Gwen. However, that champion then saw tweaks focused on pro play, and Mireles doesn't rule out more changes in the future.

Gwen has been troublesome due to professional play - League of Legends
Gwen has been troublesome due to professional play

In the cases of Viego and Gwen, the bigger problems have appeared in the professional game. Although neither of them really mastered ranked matches, their mechanics and interactions proved too powerful in organized teams and with players of sufficient skill levels to get the most out of them.

The next character to test the ratings will be Vex. Riot Games has already revealed a few details, and will come to the game in the coming weeks. 

LoL: Riot shows off Vex after Brazil account accidentally leaks her in full

After months of waiting, Vex is almost ready to join the League of Legends roster. The official Riot Games account in Brazil has now accidentally leaked the champion her abilities in full.

Bruno Ouviña

"Someday I'll be living in a big old city"