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Alan Wake Remastered officially announced and coming soon

Alan Wake Remastered officially announced and coming soon

Alan Wake Director Sam Lake says the experience remains intact in the forthcoming remaster, but the visuals will benefit from next-gen enhancements.

Alan Wake Remastered officially announced and coming soon

After rumours had grown in intensity in recent days, Remedy Entertainment has confirmed Alan Wake Remastered.

Director Sam Lake has written an open letter to fans, with details of the well-received horror title coming to PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PC via the Epic Games Store on October 5.

Previously Xbox console exclusive, this will be the first time Alan Wake is seen on PlayStation consoles. In the letter, Lake says that the remaster comes thanks to the support of fans across the 11 years since release, and because of that, wanted to make the announcement through community-run website The Sudden Stop. 

"Mysteries are magical to me, they hold a promise, and I am often happier with that than a final answer," Lake says in the letter.

"This is what we as a team, and I as the lead writer of Alan Wake, set out to create for you a long time ago."

The charismatic lead goes on to say that the studio is thrilled with the opportunity to create a remastered version of the game, and promises that the original experience will remain intact.

Some aspects, such as certain cinematics and the design of the protagonist, have been updated and improved.

More information will follow soon. 

Jose L. Ortega

La mitad de lo que conocemos es mentira; la otra mitad, una mentira bien construida.