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Fortnite: Are mounts coming soon in the Battle Royale?

Fortnite: Are mounts coming soon in the Battle Royale?

Riding with your squad towards the Victory Royale, might soon be possible in Fortnite as Dataminers revealed animals and mechanical mounts are coming this season.

Fortnite: Are mounts coming soon in the Battle Royale?

After pads, airborne tunnels and cars, this season in Fortnite is rich in mobility. Epic Games seems determined to add another layer. According to some dataminers, animals and/or robots may be used as mounts during the 8th season. The mounts are coming to the Battle Royale!

The information comes from a data scan from SentinelCentral and TweaBR , which highlights a submenu referring to riding and dismounting a mount.

At the time of writing, it is difficult to say which animals will be ridable. Wolves, already present on the island, seem to be good candidates. A rumor is also talking about a large flying animal which will appear in the sky of the island.

Fortnite Mounts - Fortnite
Fortnite Mounts

The other option could be the mechanical monsters that we see in the trailer for the S8.

With the exception of the BRUTE episode, the community rarely complains about having access to new means of transport. It remains to be seen how Epic will bring this feature, which will certainly be exotic in the current BR.

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