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LoL: Which champions die the most often?

LoL: Which champions die the most often?

Anxiety when we see teammates select certain League of Legends champions is often valid, with the stats showing that some have a disturbing habit of giving away tons of gold to opponents.

LoL: Which champions die the most often?

The raft oif statistics available helps us easily determine the relative strength of League of Legends champions. However, generalising them means we often miss some of the more interesting details that make up their strengths and weaknesses.

Curiosity about lesser-considered stats extends to which champions die the most, which we've taken a look at here.

The champions who give up the most gold to their rivals

Although there are streamers who have made 'trying' a valid strategy with which to rank up, having our teammates give away too much gold to opponents is usually one of the most frustrating situations we face in a League of Legends game.

However, the situation not only depends on the type of player on our teams, but also has a lot to do with the champion they pick.

Statistics found on U.GG show that, for various reasons, some champions have a greater tendency to die to their opponents more frequently.

These five are the most guilty culprits when it comes to average deaths per game:



















Some of these aren't surprising. We expect Pantheon to be a very risky support given his lack of disengage tools, while Yasuo's presence highlights the community memes. Even Irelia is somewhat expected, in a similar manner to Yasuo.

Surprisingly however, the list is topped by Brand. This support is generally much feared among botlane players due to his high damage output, yet finds himself officially the 'king of inting'.

The most worrisome aspect of this list is the champions' respective average K/DA stats. Although one might hope the reward outweighs the risk when picking these champs, only Swain meets the accepted community standard of 2.0 KDA.

The stats show that Yasuo's reputation for being bad is actually much worse! 

Yasuo lives up to his reputation... - League of Legends
Yasuo lives up to his reputation...

Conversely, the character with the highest survival rate is Zac, with an average deaths per game of 4.6. He also heals the most, largely thanks to his unique passive that grants a second life if not burst down quickly enough. Junglers find it easier to avoid the dangerous early game, with Ivern and Yuumi accompanying Zac in this section.

The data seems to have some relevance when it comes to game experience, since the champions that lead the most-deaths ranking have winrates of less than 50%.

That's not to say these champions should be avoided, as we all know how much they can control games in the hands of skilled players...

Data Source

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