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LoL: What are the community's favorite champions?

LoL: What are the community's favorite champions?

The most popular League of Legends champions aren't necessarily the latest releases, with older ones prevailing. Here's who tops the list.

LoL: What are the community's favorite champions?

Every time a new champion arrives in League of Legends, a new showdown between the community and Riot Games begins. The developer takes more and more risks when creating new characters, with there being a need for them to be popular enough to have a real impact on the games.

However, in the days leading up to the launch of Vex, we noticed an important detail -- the most-chosen champions are not the most recent to be added to the game.

League of Legends' most popular champions

Considering the stats and taking into account all ranks on the ladder, even the best players don't necessarily opt for the best characters.

Sub-optimal picks -- when taking into account winrates -- are the order of the day. Although positive winrates reinforce some choices, it seems that attachment to a champion and the fun factor are most important to players.


Release Year

Pick Rate




Lee Sin












The table reflects data from Patch 11.18. However, those listed haven't changed too much throughout the overall season, with those featured remaining among the most popular in their positions.

Even in Patch 11.1, when Lee Sin had a winrate of less than 47%, he was the sixth most-played champion in the jungle -- just one percentage point behind the second most-played.

Beyond debunking the myth that new characters are the most popular, there are a few interesting conclusions we can make about community preferences regarding champions.

  • In case of alternatives, characters without mana seem to be ahead
  • Winrate doesn't seem to have a noticeable influence on picks
  • The champions on the roster meet Riot's criteria for making even the most monotonous tasks fun
Lux may not be the most popular support in League of Legends, but she is the most picked. - League of Legends
Lux may not be the most popular support in League of Legends, but she is the most picked.

When it comes to carrying out the reverse exercise and identifying the least popular champions in each position, there are a few names that we are used to.

Rumble, Skarner, Aurelion Sol, Kalista and Taric is a lineup that we would only see once in a blue moon -- or if a premade team decided to troll somewhat.

LoL: Which champions die the most often?

Anxiety when we see teammates select certain League of Legends champions is often valid, with the stats showing that some have a disturbing habit of giving away tons of gold to opponents.

Bruno Ouviña

"Someday I'll be living in a big old city"