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LoL: Several members of T1 tested positive for COVID-19

LoL: Several members of T1 tested positive for COVID-19

While T1 has just entered the history of League of Legends by getting a perfect split in LCK, a small shadow came hovering over the team as several members have tested positive for COVID-19.

This weekend, T1 ended the LCK Spring Split in the best possible way, winning the Grand Finals 3-1 over Gen.G — all after a historic split where Faker and his crew didn't did not concede a single Bo3 during the regular season. However, they will not be able to celebrate this coronation fully since the day after their victory, 5 members of the League of Legends team tested positive for COVID-19.

5 members affected

T1 is not the first LCK team to be affected . In mid-March, Fredit BRION had been forced to forfeit after the contamination of several of the members of his roster. The LCK had subsequently relaxed the rules by allowing players to play remotely if a case of COVID was found in the team.

We wish them a good recovery to find them in good shape during the Mid Season Invitational which will begin on May 10 in Busan, South Korea .

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!