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League of Legends, LoL, 9.13 Patch: patch note, TFT, Qiyana, Arcade 2019

League of Legends, LoL, 9.13 Patch: patch note, TFT, Qiyana, Arcade 2019

Check out the notes from the 9.13 League of Legends patch! In its suitcases, the new champion Qiyana, the event Arcade 2019: ULTRACOMBO which will be accompanied by 4 new skins, some object and champions balances... and the new permanent game mode, Teamfight Tactics.

Find the latest changes made on the live League of Legends servers: patch 9.13. Discover all the changes related to this patch: from balancing champions to new skins without forgetting some items changes!

Update 06/26

On 26/06/19 from 04:30 hexagon time (02:30 UTC), ranked games will be deactivated to prepare patch 9.13. At 06:00 (04:00 UTC), the servers will be closed, all ongoing games will end in a draw and statistics will not be taken into account. We estimate the fields of justice to be unavailable until 3 o'clock.

Riot Games on Patch 9.13 (Source)

New event: ARCADE 2019: ULTRACOMBO

The Special Event ARCADE 2019: ULTRACOMBO just started!

A new event is coming soon on League of Legends, Arcade 2019: ULTRACOMBO. Get ready for new skins, missions, an arcade pass and a dedicated shop!

New champion: Qiyana, Empress of the Elements

New Skins and Chromas

  • Battle Boss: Yasuo, Qiyana
  • Arcade: Caitlyn, Kai'Sa
  • New chromas: Battle Boss Qiyana, Battle Boss Yasuo, Arcade Kai'Sa, Arcade Riven, Arcade Sona, Arcade Miss Fortune
  • Prestige edition: Arcade Caitlyn

Champions balances

  • Buffs: Illaoi, Ornn, Sylas, Syndra, Tristana
  • Balances: Pyke, Udyr
  • Nerfs: Karma, Sejuani, Sivir, Sona

Item changes

  • Rod of Ages, Randuin's Omen, Essence Reaver


  • New summoner icons
  • New emotes
  • New ward skins
All about Qiyana, Empress of the Elements!

Yuumi has just been released, and the 145th League of Legends champion is already revealed! Discover Qiyana, Empress of the Elements.

Finally a release date for Teamfight Tactics!

The D-Day is finally here. Teamfight Tactics, the new game mode of League of Legends, should be released on the live servers during the night of June 26-27, with the 9.13 patch.

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo