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LoL: Are the skins worse than before? The community has the answer, video in support

LoL: Are the skins worse than before? The community has the answer, video in support

Tension between the League of Legends community and Riot Games continues to grow over League of Legends monetization issues. Today, players are even trying to prove that the quality of skins has gone down over the past few years.

LoL: Are the skins worse than before? The community has the answer, video in support

The League of Legends community's trust in Riot Games is going through a bit of a slump, which will only get worse with the recent increase in the price of RP. However, the tensions are not just about whether the price of skins and other content is too high. Many players believe that the developer has gradually reduced the quality of its products. A somewhat disappointing situation that they wanted to demonstrate with a comparative video that does not necessarily do the studio any good.

A change in skins that the community doesn't like

The debate in question is about Nidalee skins, but it could be extrapolated to other champions. The problem is that Nidalee's cosmetics incorporated an animation when she stopped. It's an item that appears in her base skin and many of her older cosmetics, but has completely disappeared in the newer ones.

This detail was enough for many players to think that Riot Games is taking liberties with the creation of the new cosmetics. It's a long-held sentiment in the community, which has been accusing the developer of doing so ever since it changed its skin policy to create big themes rather than independently tailored skins for each champion.

The problem of details in the new skins

However, it would be wrong to say that the studio is not making an effort. With the exception of a few Riot duds, like Ekko Flying Fire or Pantheon Ash Knight, the skins are overall higher quality. However, it seems obvious that Riot Games is skimping on details and failing to create a good finish for the skins. In fact, knowing that this animation already exists, there is little logical reason not to include it in the skins.

Riot Games demonstrates its great potential in most skins - League of Legends
Riot Games demonstrates its great potential in most skins

After recent statements from the company, there is a lack of explanation when it comes to League of Legends monetization. It's a thorny subject that no one wants to talk about and which can cause a lot of tension, but Riot Games has always known how to communicate with its players and the studio needs it more than ever.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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