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LoL: Huni's career in danger due to injuries!

LoL: Huni's career in danger due to injuries!

Heo "Huni" Seung-hoon hasn't always won during his career, but everywhere he went, he still managed to win the hearts of fans. Unfortunately, her career is now in danger and she could stop dead...due to recurring injuries.

LoL: Huni's career in danger due to injuries!

Photo: LoL Esports

It's hard not to feel immense sadness at the time of writing... TSM announced last night that their Korean top laner Heo " Huni " Seung-hoon would step back and step down as the LCS starter. . League of Legends fans have seen others and this is not the first time that a player has been replaced during the season. But what gives this news a bit of a dramatic turn is that this change has its roots in the player's health problems. Huni is now 24 years old and we can't help but fear a forced retirement for the former darling of Fnatic .

Holy wounds!

Some mainstream media reduce professional video game players to a machine, a keyboard, a mouse or even a controller. If the body is obviously less solicited than in so-called traditional sport (football, handball, basketball), it does not completely disappear in the sphere of esport. Whether it is the dexterity of the hands , the coordination of the fingers or the ability to track the eyes , the body of a player remains a central element of performance.

To emphasize the importance of the body in competitive video games, physical injuries are also strong arguments. Huni could also end his career due to recurring wrist injuries ... which reminds us of the carpal tunnel problems that were right over the duration of Hai , a former Cloud9 player. For the moment, the results are not as catastrophic and Huni will only take a step back to heal and think about his future. He remains tied to TSM and could return at any time. But this kind of signal is really bad and we can't help but be very worried for the player.

Huni, a colorful character from the League of Legends scene

League of Legends

Huni is a player who holds a special place in the hearts of European League of Legends fans. He discovered the highest level with Fnatic and he had broken everything during the 2015 season with his compatriot Reignover. Together, they had won two European championship titles by passing a perfect regular season in 18-0 . In Europe, no one has since recorded such a performance!

But Huni is a great traveler and he has also played in North America and South Korea. In his native country, he wore the colors of SKT for a year. Alongside Faker, Bang, and Wolf, he once won the LCK with the added bonus of an MSI. He also came close to winning the Worlds in 2017, but his team lost to Samsung Galaxy in the final. Finally, in North America he went through several teams (Immortals, Echo Fox, Clutch Gaming, TSM...). When you look at his career, he will have spent most of his time in the LCS. Unfortunately, he never managed to win the league and collected the places of honor... We could almost call it an anomaly, but the Korean may be running out of time to correct it.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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