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LoL: A new Chinese superteam under construction?

LoL: A new Chinese superteam under construction?

On League of Legends, superteams often leave you thinking. Theoretically, they make fans dream and salivate. But in fact, many are disappointed and some do not hesitate to speak of a curse. However, that does not prevent structures from trying again.

Photo: LoL Esports

This year, we had the right to build several superteams around the world. In Europe, Fnatic is scaling up, where Team Vitality disappointed. In North America, Team Liquid flopped. In South Korea, Gen.G took his time before showing his full potential and arrives in great shape at Worlds. There remains the case of China, which, given its talent pool, can claim to have only superteams!

But next year, we could witness the development of an extraordinary Chinese team. We're only talking about rumors at the moment, but if it comes to fruition, expect sparks.

BLG, them again!

Bilibili Gaming is an LPL team struggling to find their footing. Her track record is blank and she has never managed to qualify for an international competition. At best, she managed to finish in the top 4 (Summer 2019). It's not ridiculous considering that the Chinese league is extremely competitive. But to exist, you have to succeed in jostling mammoths like EDG, RNG or Top Esports...

In 2022, BLG tried to innovate by recruiting high-potential profiles. During the year, we were able to see talents like Uzi, Doggo, Icon, Bin or Crisp... players who won trophies like the MSI or the Worlds . However, the results were very mixed, even in terms of popularity. It must be said that the Uzi imbroglio did not help matters. The venerable ADC left as quickly as it came, in murky and potentially conflicting circumstances. But the leaders do not seem to want to let go of the matter and would have in mind to create an even more scintillating version for 2023.

Names that shine more than each other

League of Legends

Rumor has it that two tracks are being studied in midlane... Doinb and Rookie ! We are talking here about the 2018 (Invictus Gaming) and 2019 (FPX) world champions. The two made a lot of noise this year but failed to lead their team (LNG and V5) to Worlds. They could therefore be tempted by a new experience. For their part, Bin and Crisp , who are already in the workforce, would be retained. The standards remain high with the winner of MSI 2022 and a player who was also in the game in 2019 with FPX and Doinb.

All that remains is to find an ADC and a jungler... and again, the players who are mentioned are huge! Uzi could make a real comeback, provided this year's coach packs his bags. Finally, the position of jungler would be entrusted to Ning or Tarzan ... The first won the Worlds with Rookie where the second played for the last two years with Doinb. We imagine that the leaders will try to reform one of these two mid/jungle duos. We don't know if everything will go according to this plan, but if it does, we will have to expect madness !

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!