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LoL: The Rogue get their revenge, G2 sees red in the LEC finals!

LoL: The Rogue get their revenge, G2 sees red in the LEC finals!

The final of the League of Legends European Championship has just ended. The new champions achieved the feat of beating the two sacred monsters of the LEC, finally confirming their status as rising stars of the Old Continent scene.

LoL: The Rogue get their revenge, G2 sees red in the LEC finals!

Tonight was the match to find out if the G2 esports would manage to keep their title acquired in the spring or if the Rogue would finally succeed in winning their first title . The Samurai arrived in the shoes of the favorites , after masterfully led playoffs. Nevertheless their opponents were on a good dynamic, after a very clean semi-final against Fnatic last night. In the end, the meeting did not keep all its promises, with a team that proved to be well above the other.

Bot Dif

Game 1 saw the Rogue draft a Soraka botlane , a rather surprising pick. This allowed Comp to dominate the botlane, but it was especially during the first groupings that Larssen's teammates got the better of Ocelote's players . Despite clever moves from the Samurai, the Rogue managed to outplay them on several occasions, gradually gaining the advantage over their rivals. The G2 will try desperately to come back by multiplying the skirmishes, but the lack of vision that they could no longer take following their delay, will each time lead to punishment from their opponents. Very logically, Rogue wins this first round, and with style .

The second game will see Comp do the show on the botlane . His Caitlyn will easily take the advantage over the G2 duo, thanks to the help of Trymbi and Malrang. The Rogue's ADC handed out fairground potatoes throughout the match, and the samurai only managed to limit the heist on various occasions. However, in the late game, Comp went a step too far and Jankos found an engage allowing the G2s to kill multiple Rogue players . Caps and his partners tried to finish the game, but thanks to a heroic defense by Malrang , the Ocelote players did not find the opportunity to destroy the Nexus. Once the Rogue revived, players played more cautiously, and managed to afford this second round.

League of Legends

An attempt to answer

With their backs to the wall, the G2 attempted to take Soraka to harness the Star Child's strength as well. However, it soon became apparent that they had worked much less on these kinds of strategies than the Rogue, and they failed to take advantage of the pick as much as their opponents. The Snapes again dominated this final round, finishing it in less than 30 minutes. After losing 3-0 in the Spring Split final, the Rogue finally got their revenge, and their first title .

Odoamne concludes the evening by thanking the public , including the haters for this anthology final, while declaring that after having beaten G2, the Rogue would do everything to prove themselves worthy of the status of European 1 seed . After three losing finals, one of the LEC veterans has finally secured his first title . It was also the first consecration for Freddy122 (coach), who has been on the scene since the first edition of what was still called the EU LCS , where he played in toplane for the French team Against All Authority .

A new Chinese superteam under construction?

On League of Legends, superteams often leave you thinking. Theoretically, they make fans dream and salivate. But in fact, many are disappointed and some do not hesitate to speak of a curse. However, that does not prevent structures from trying again.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!