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LoL: Faker going to retirement? Not for now!

LoL: Faker going to retirement? Not for now!

Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok: If you don't know this name, you don't like esports. Even if you are not a fan of League of Legends, we are still talking about a world monument of electronic sports. And if some doubts persisted, he is not ready to retire!

LoL: Faker going to retirement? Not for now!

Photo: LoL Esports

Faker is 26 years old and after his defeat in the final of the Worlds of League of Legends after a rebound match against DRX, we asked ourselves a lot of questions. Continue or retire? Continue or leave? The midlaner even made headlines by exploring his options abroad, in North America but also in China. It was enough to make the hardcore fans of T1 tremble.

But the suspense is now over. The future of Faker is now known and the fans can celebrate. T1 did not bring good news, but very good news !

Faker and T1, a lasting affair

The story of Faker is inseparable from that of T1 (formerly SKT). Present since 2013 within the structure, the midlaner has mainly won 3 world champion titles. We don't even count the titles of South Korean champions anymore... It's no coincidence that everyone considers the Korean to be the GOAT of the game. While in esports, the debates are endless, it is indeed one of the only subjects that enjoys unanimous support all over the world.

We didn't really believe the rumors announcing Faker playing in NA or China and the midlaner will still be at T1 next year, that's the first good news. But what's even better for the fans is that he signed for another 3 years! Faker is therefore tied to the team until the end of 2025 . We can talk about an XXL contract for an XXL player.

Faker, exempt from military service?

While Faker is 26 , this is also a very good sign regarding his potential exemption from compulsory military service in South Korea. It is always difficult to know if he is really exempted or if he benefits from special conditions which will allow him to start his duty later... But to see a Korean player up to 29 years old is extremely rare for not to say unseen in League of Legends. This therefore suggests that the midlaner has marked history enough by making South Korea shine in the world, to be rewarded by the Korean government. Now it remains to know the details.

Beyond an outright exemption, it mostly gives Faker time. With 3 more years, he will be able to try to win the Asian Games and obtain a pass in good and due form. It also saves time which could be valuable. Lately, the rules relating to military service are increasingly flexible and advantageous for young citizens. The duration of service, for example, lasts less than before. By playing for time, Faker also optimizes his chances.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!