If there is one anime that we would not have suspected of a fighting game, it is One Punch Man. Subtitled A Hero Nobody Knows, the game developed by Bandai Namco had the luxury of a first gameplay video at Gamescom 2019. We see the different characters of the plot swinging from the mandals, as in any good classic fighting game. The difference is that some fighters, far too weak compared to the opponents, will require the intervention of Saitama, as with Mumen Rider, the justice cyclist. The goal will then be to delay the time until the strongest man in the world arrives to kick the opponent's ass in a single blow.
One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows still doesn't have a release date but is announced on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.
Written by Xavier "Howler" Larrey. Translated from French by Millenium.us.org