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New temporary mode "Knock Town" in patch notes 10.30

New temporary mode "Knock Town" in patch notes 10.30

Knock Town is a new temporary mode from Fortnite in which players can use the grappler to jump everywhere.

New temporary mode 'Knock Town' in patch notes 10.30

v10.30 Fortnite update patch notes has brought a new temporary mode called Knock Town.

This is a solo game mode with the respawing system on. Knock Town was created by AlanShinohara and was a top 3 contender for the LTM Creator Contest!. Use the grappler to jump around and dodge shots as you one-tap enemies in the air with the Flint-Knock Pistol.

The player who has the most eliminations at the end of the match wins!

Greasy Groove and Moisty Palms back in Fortnite!

Greasy Grove and Moisty Palms are the new rift zones found in the desert and snow biomes. Find these emblematic places of Fortnite!

Clémence LEMOAL
Clémence "Idril" Lemoal

La Anton Ego du jeu vidéo.