If you prefer the comfort of a chair and physical solitude rather than being the a couch potato, you are surely one of the players for whom the Steam Remote is good news. If you've ever complained about not being able to play games like Enter The Gungeon, Towerfall: Ascension or Rayman Legends with your long-distance friends, Steam has thought of you and introduces you to Remote Play Together. The goal? Allow two or more players to play online in a game normally designed for multi local.
This is a feature already explored by Playstation (Share Play), Nvidia Gamestream, Parsec or even Hamachi, for the older ones among you. One player, who owns the game, will host a session and stream a video feed to the other players. They should receive the feed without latency, and will send inputs back to the host. That way, only one game is needed for all players. However, we don't know yet the resources that will be required for this functionality, both in terms of machine and connectivity.
The service Steam Remote Play should be available in beta from October 21, and should concern any game offering local co-op, split screen or not.