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Fortnite: Battle Pass trailer leak for Chapter 2 Season 1

Fortnite: Battle Pass trailer leak for Chapter 2 Season 1

Yet another leak relating to the new season of Fortnite has revealed a new Battle Pass trailer, showing off new cosmetics, new vehicles, and the map as a whole. Here is everything you need to know about the Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 1 Battle Pass!

The first leaks of the content of Chapter 2 of Fortnite is starting to drop. This time, it's information on the contents of the next Battle Pass, revealed during the official trailer. In it, we learned several things about the Fortnite of tomorrow.

  • new ways to level up will be available through Medals
  • new interactions will be possible, such as fishing and carrying an ally
  • boats will be controllable
  • Level 100 may be exceeded
  • chests change their appearances
  • it will be possible to swim and dive

We can also see four cosmetic items, as well as the mention of "over 100 Rewards". Two gliders and a gathering tool are also seen.

On first look, the Battle Pass seems fairly well-equipped, with more than one cosmetic per level. However, we will have to wait for more information to really determine whether the distribution of rewards is the same as in previous seasons.

Fortnite: China time zone difference reason for Season 11 wait?

According to several leakers, it is possible that Chapter 2 of Fortnite will start on Tuesday, 15 October, and that this unbearable wait was due to the time difference with China.

Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.