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Patch 11.00.1 and Update 2.40 have been deployed on Fortnite Chapter 2 to fix some bugs

Patch 11.00.1 and Update 2.40 have been deployed on Fortnite Chapter 2 to fix some bugs

Update 2.40 has just been deployed on Fortnite. It contains patches improving gaming comfort, while Chapter 2 Season 1 has recently become available.

Patch 11.00.1 and Update 2.40 have been deployed on Fortnite Chapter 2 to fix some bugs

Chapter 2 was recently launched in Fortnite and Epic Games has already deployed Patch 11.00.1 to fix some bugs inherent to the re-launch of the game and its new map.


To be deployed on your device, a download is required. You have to exit the game and restart it.

Here is the list of corrections implemented:

  • Some settings being reset due to an error with the Chapter 2 launch. If you haven’t logged in since the launch of Chapter 2, your settings will remain as they were.
  • The wrong Achievements showing as completed.
  • The screen appearing cropped/zoomed-in on consoles.

This patch is currently deployed on PC, Mac, PS4 and Android. It will also be the case on IOS, Switch and Xbox One very soon. Note that it apparently contains no fix for FPS drops — players having had this problem since the launch of Chapter 2. It will take a little longer to see the problem resolved!

The Medal Punchcard system in Chapter 2 of Fortnite

In Fortnite Chapter 2, a new reward system has been deployed — besides weekly challenges. The Medal Punchcard makes it possible to win up to ten medals a day and a lot of XP.

Clémence LEMOAL
Clémence "Idril" Lemoal

La Anton Ego du jeu vidéo.