LoL — Senna: Abilities, role, skins of Season 9 new champion
LoL — Senna: Abilities, role, skins of Season 9 new champion
Updated at
By Cthulhu
It's now official: the 146th League of Legends champion to join the Rift is Senna, Lucian's wife. Unveiled alongside the True Damage band, she will join the fight as an ADC/Support... Wondering how it could possibly work? Well, check her abilities...
The next League of Legends champion is none other than Senna, Lucian's wife. Finally freed from the lantern of the demonic Thresh, the Purifier finally finds her beloved after years of imprisonment.
Passive — Absolution
Senna's Relic Cannon is slow to fire, but deals bonus damage. She can power up its range, Attack Damage, and Crit chance over time by absorbing Mist from enemy champions she's attacking or from wraiths that spawn from dead enemies.
Q — Piercing Darkness
Senna fires a bolt that heals her allies, and damages her foes. Senna can keep attacking to decrease Piercing Darkness’ cooldown.
W — Last Embrace
Senna commands the Mist onto the first target hit, damaging them and then rooting that target and surrounding enemies after a brief delay.
E — Curse of the Black Mist
Senna dissolves into a cloud of mist, gaining movement speed and camouflaging her and her nearby allies. Teammates who emerge from the mist appear as unclickable wraiths to enemies until they either attack or get close.
R — Dawning Shadow
Senna fires a global beam. Allies in the beam are shielded and enemies caught in the center of it take damage.
Currently tested on the PBE, Senna should be implemented alongside patch 9.22.
Trapped into Thresh's lantern, Senna is one of this character that's part of League of Legends' lore while not being a playable champion. However, Lucian's wife will soon join the Summoner's Rift... and a video of her gameplay has just been unveiled!