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Fortnite: Ghoul Trooper skin to return to the shop?

Fortnite: Ghoul Trooper skin to return to the shop?

When it comes to Fortnite skins, Ghoul Trooper rarity is a much-discussed topic. Now, thanks to an official tease on social media and a possible leak, the skin looks to be making its return to the the shop for Halloween.

Fortnite: Ghoul Trooper skin to return to the shop?

The Halloween atmosphere is in full swing in Fortnite. All that was missing was a certain guest to complete this macabre picture: the Ghoul! 

Many players have eagerly awaited the return of this cult skin to the Item Shop, and it appears Epic are about to grant their wish! 

In a teaser published on their official Twitter account earlier, the publisher appears to have confirmed the early arrival of rare cosmetics to the store's shelves.

The dark glove on the hand leaves little to be doubted: the Ghoul Trooper skin is clearly the subject here. A pink variant was added to the game on October 22, to the delight of owners of the skin, originally released in October 2017.

This return also seems to have been confirmed by well-known Fortnite leaker, Lucas7yoshi: 


Stay tuned for official confirmation!

Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.