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Diablo 4: Q&A about the game with the developers

Diablo 4: Q&A about the game with the developers

Our on-site envoys to BlizzCon were able to interview Diablo IV developers as a group with the rest of the press. Here is a summary of the answers and information obtained, crafts, classes, multiplayer, offline, objects, monetization, everything goes through.

Diablo 4: Q&A about the game with the developers

Diablo 4 is still in the early stages of development, and it will probably take years before it can be played. It is also expected that changes will be made by the time it is released. But in the meantime, lead game designer Joe Shely and senior producer Tiffany Wat have answered many questions from the press about its content and their design choices.

General information

  • Diablo 4 uses a new internally developed graphics engine that uses physical rendering. The engine allows you to make transitions of skill animations that follow each other perfectly. This engine manages the weather, as well as the day/night cycle. Some skills, such as the Druid Cataclysm, can change the weather.
  • It is not planned to support interface mods, but the customizable mode will be available for skill selection.
  • The developers play many other games, and they use ideas from these other games for Diablo 4.
  • Hardcore mode will be available.
  • Diablo 3 had a large community, for many it was their first Diablo game. Diablo 4 will seek to satisfy both Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 fans, as well as different player profiles, whether it is the occasional player who wants to have fun, or the more committed player looking for challenges. The goal is for players to feel that they have accomplished something, no matter how long they play.
  • Crossplay between consoles is something the team is aware of, and options are being explored.
  • It will be possible to play the controller on a PC, but it is not planned to play the keyboard on consoles.
Diablo 4


  • Although development is not very advanced, they plan to sell the game in the classic format, i.e. a full version, which will be followed by extensions.
  • There will be cosmetic-type micro-transactions, but nothing related to the power of the characters.


  • The treasure goblins will be back. Developers like to hunt them down and immerse themselves in a dangerous situation because of the lure of the loot.
  • Monsters and skills have been designated in a way that they interact well together.
  • A new combat system for bosses will make them stagger. Every time you use a control technique on a boss, it will not control him, but fill his gauge with staggering. Once it is full, it will be dizzy for a short while and there will be an additional effect on each boss. For example, one of the bosses has massive claws, but when he is dizzy, they break and their range is reduced afterwards.
  • Duriel is back. More information on the other demons will be given at one of the upcoming conferences during BlizzCon.
Diablo 4

Multiplayer, social and interactions

  • Diablo 4 was developed from the beginning with the player against player (PvP) in the lead. In Diablo 3, the balancing of the PvP was complicated, but in
  • Diablo 4, it was taken into account in all development choices.
  • Groups will be of 4 players.
  • Clans will be available in game and will include banks to help make exchanges.
  • It will be possible to play with 2 players in local co-op on consoles.
  • Diablo 4 is designated as a huge and immersive world, with groups in mind, so it is not expected that there will be an offline mode, but there will be options for those who want to play solo, or only with friends.
  • The development of the exchange system is still in its infancy, but the developers' current philosophy is that craft materials and consumables can always be exchanged. Powerful objects will probably be linked in case of an exchange, this means that they can only be exchanged once. The most powerful items will not be exchangeable at all. They want the main source of objects and power to come from playing.
  • There will be no auction house.
  • The loot will be individual as in Diablo 3, but if you pick up an object and then drop it to the ground, everyone can see it and pick it up.
Diablo 4

Characters and personalization

  • It will be possible to customize your character at creation, face type, hair, skin color, eyes, tattoos, scars, etc. They are looking for at least as many options as the WoW character creator.
  • You will be able to choose techniques and talents by going up in level. Competency books will provide points that will be used to increase the level of skills, unlock new techniques or strengthen others. These skill choices are permanent, but it will be possible to unlock them all at the maximum rank in the long term. Talents are gameplay choices that will affect skills, but it will be possible to reallocate them.

Classes and skills

  • The skills will be linked to the classes. It will be possible to have objects that trigger skills from another class, but this will be anecdotal.
  • It is not expected that there will be any interaction between class or combos skills, but the developers like the principle.
  • Travel skills will be more moderate than in Diablo 3. The world is a vast place, and mounts will help you cross great distances.
Diablo 4

Objects and equipment

  • The potion system regularly evolves with the development of the game. They don't like waiting 30 seconds for the potion to recharge, but they don't have a solution to share yet.
  • The magic and rare items will be used by players to familiarize themselves with the equipment as they move up the levels.
  • Sets are designed for characters who have just reached the maximum level, they serve as guides for interactions between objects and skills in a specific style of play.
  • Legends are the next step, they let you determine your own equipment based on the style of play you are looking for.
  • There will be many options, hundreds of legendary objects are created and they will all affect skills. Some will add damage, others will change features, others will give character customization options.
  • Another level of object will exist above the legendary ones, the details are unclear but it seems that they are mythical objects with 4 powers, but you can only equip one of them.
  • Runes will have different types, with a prefix or suffix, by combining them, you get a bonus effect.
  • The gems will be present and they can be used in runic words.
  • Crafts will be important, and the developers want you not to hesitate to take a detour to get your hands on rare craft materials. But they don't yet have much information to share on the subject.
  • The gold can be spent at the bettor, an equivalent of Kadala.
Diablo 4

The world and the universe

  • It will be possible to highlight points of interest or quests on the world map, to have a path indicator to follow to help you reach the area.
  • When a world event starts, all players will be warned, and its position will appear on the map for all players. If you reach his position, you can participate.
  • For the moment, the maximum number of players has not been determined, it is under test.
  • Many high-level content ideas are being explored. An overview will be provided during one of the upcoming conferences during BlizzCon.
  • Sanctuary includes hundreds of dungeons from which you can obtain keys to unlock maximum level versions with special attributes to get better items.
  • Hell will be an important part of the game that will run through the entire basement of Sanctuary. But its particularities, how to get there and its mechanisms are only at the beginning of their development.
  • The level of the zones will be adapted to the level of the group leader. Monsters will always be at an appropriate power level, and so will found objects.
  • Managing the rise in levels is not over, but you will probably have explored the world before reaching the maximum level.
Diablo 4
No release date given for Diablo Immortal

Somewhat discreet during BlizzCon 2019, those waiting for Diablo Immortal will be content with a gameplay trailer and a Q&A session with the developers — who revealed mechanics and the equipment system.

Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Journalist & project manager

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