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LoL Transfer Window: LEC coach YoungBuck leaves Fnatic

LoL Transfer Window: LEC coach YoungBuck leaves Fnatic

Joey 'YoungBuck' Steltenpoo, an iconic member of Fnatic and Head Coach for two years, won't be part of the team for the 2020 season.

LoL Transfer Window: LEC coach YoungBuck leaves Fnatic

That was sensed a few weeks ago, and it's now official. Joey "YoungBuck" Steltenpool will no longer be Fnatic's head coach for next season. After a rather difficult year, despite participation in the Worlds, Fnatic — one of the League of Legends European Championship team — will have to reassure its fans for the upcoming year and find new strength to restore a rather dull 2018 season result.

“Looking back on my time in Fnatic, 2018 was a marvelous year where we developed a lot as a team, as individuals, and as coaching staff; it was incredible to be able to create history-making results for our region at Worlds. Although it was, relatively speaking, not a year without bumps in the road, it was the best year I've had within esports since beginnings in 2012,” said Joey 'YoungBuck' Steltenpool. “Leaving this season behind, I’ve decided to move on to another team and hope to remain a Head Coach at a professional level for many years to come.”

For now, Fnatic didn't announce any replacement for YoungBuck, neither did he said which team he was going to join for the upcoming season.

