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Hearthstone, Galakrond's Awakening: Chapter 2 Guide

Hearthstone, Galakrond's Awakening: Chapter 2 Guide
E.V.I.L Campaign

The second chapter of the new Hearthstone solo adventure — Galakrond's Awakening — is here! The three bosses to fight against, all the rewards — everything you need to prepare your fight is in this dedicated article!

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The second chapter of Galakrond's Awakening, Hearthstone's latest solo adventure, is called Clash at Wyrmrest. On this page you can access all the information about the E.V.I.L campaign version — but don't worry, explorer friends, you'll find all the information for your camp on the other page!

  • You will be able to access this second chapter, for 700 pieces or $6,99, like all the other chapters.
  • You will get two copies of each card rewarded at the end of boss fights!

Clash at Wyrmrest: The E.V.I.L. campaign

In the course of this adventure, the forces of the Good and the E.V.I.L will face each other one last time in Northrend, for the future of the world of Azeroth. In a similar way to the first chapter, you will play as one of the E.V.I.L. heroes, and you will face these damned explorers who will come to put a stop to your progress. Your deck (and your opponent's) is pre-built and themed according to your hero!

First Battle: Waxrider Togwaggle vs Dragoncaster Askaara

Your decks will be pre-built throughout this adventure (except for the Heroic mode), which means that there will be no deck creation for Galakrond's Awakening.

For this first battle, you play Waxrider Togwaggle. Your hero power is Maximum Waximum.

  • (2): Summon a 1/1" Living Candle.

The Living Candle has a Deathrattle that "equips you with a wax spear. If you already have one, give it +1/+1".

This first fight makes you play the Rogue class against the Dragoncaster Askaara, who plays a Dragon Mage. Her Hero Power, Dragon Affinity, is passive and changes once she plays a Dragon.

At the outcome of this battle, you will be rewarded with two Arcane Amplifier copies.

Second battle: Kronx Dragonhoof vs United Sr. Explorers

For this second clash, we play Kronx, the usual partner (in our decks) of Galakrond. The deck is mostly composed of cards playing around the Invoke keyword (Rogue, Warrior and Warlock essentially).

Kronx's hero power will allow you to quickly burst the opponent since it gives your hero +3 Attack and Lifesteal whenever you Invoke.

The United Sr. Explorers play cards from the four classes of the Explorers League (Hunter, Paladin, Mage, Druid). Notably thanks to their Hero Power, they will mostly generate Signature Treasures during the entire fight, but their deck is super slow — to the point that you'll certainly feel how unfair this matchup is. The battle will be quick, and you should be able to move on without too much trouble...

At the outcome of this battle, you will be rewarded with two Hailbringer copies.

Last fight: Hagatha the Vengeful vs Nithogg

Your deck will consist exclusively of Shaman and Neutral cards. The shadow of Carniflore will hover over the board allowing you to replay the cards from the previous round. Your hero power will allow your minions to evolve regularly, and thus have a stronghold on the board (and this for (2) only). Nithogg's has very little effect, especially if you avoid spamming the board of minions with 2HPs or less.

You'll also have the opportunity to test the legendary weapon, The Fist of Ra-Den, which will help you generate a little more board.

At the outcome of this battle, you will be rewarded with two copies of The Fist of Ra-den and Rising Winds.

Everything about Galakrond's Awakening

The third chapter of Galakrond's Awakening was just released yesterday. Fights, rewards, price — everything you need to know about Hearthstone's latest solo adventure is in this dedicated article!

Jérémie Mathis

Associate Editor - MGG FR

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