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Explorers Campaign - Hearthstone, Galakrond's Awakening: Chapter 2 Guide

Hearthstone, Galakrond's Awakening: Chapter 2 Guide
Explorers Campaign
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The second chapter of Galakrond's Awakening, Hearthstone's latest solo adventure, is called Clash at Wyrmrest. On this page you can access all the information about the E.V.I.L campaign version — but don't worry, explorer friends, you'll find all the information for your camp on the other page!

  • You will be able to access this second chapter, for 700 pieces or $6,99, like all the other chapters.
  • You will get two copies of each card rewarded at the end of boss fights!

Clash at Wyrmrest: The Explorers campaign

In the course of this adventure, the forces of the Good and the E.V.I.L will face each other one last time in Northrend, for the future of the world of Azeroth. In a similar way to the first chapter, you will play as one of the Explorers, and you will face these the vile Legions of E.V.I.L., in order to thwart their plans... Your deck (and your opponent's) is pre-built and themed according to your hero!

First Battle: Sir Finley vs Puppetmaster Lazul

Lazul, the fortune-teller of the Whispers of the Old Gods trailer, is back.

Finley tackles her, but he doesn't seem to be aware of the danger that lies ahead. The hero powers are the same as in the first chapter (Lead the charge for (2) and Fortune Teller for (1)). Lazul will essentially steal cards, Murlocks or Dragons from you most of the time, and shouldn't be a real problem. Just reduce her HPs to zero, enjoy the show, and go get your cards back (or not).

Once she transforms into Go'rath, Lazul regains all HP and her hero power changes. (2): Summons a random Go'rath tentacle. Repeatable. With such a hero power, Go'rath can easily flood the board, either with his Eyes or his Tentacles. To defeat him, you will need to build a very strong board when facing Lazul while keeping some strength and key cards to keep fighting. Aim at destroying the Eyes of Go'rath in priority, otherwise, they will constantly weaken your board.

At the outcome of this battle, you will be rewarded with two copies of Fiendish Servant.

Second Battle: Dragonrider Talritha vs High Cultist Dawnshatter

We can't believe how easy this fight is.

You will embody Talritha, who plays a Dragon Paladin deck, and you'll face a Warlock/Priest also playing around Dragon synergies.

Each time an allied Dragon dies, your passive hero power will give +1/+1 to your entire board.

Dawnshatter's hero power is super slow, and you'll just need to take smart trades to make sure his board doesn't fill with incredibly strong Dragons.

Nothing really alarming here: if you know how to build a board, this battle should go quick and fine.

To celebrate the end of this cheesy fight, you'll be rewarded with two Cleric of Scales copies.

Last Battle: Alexstrasza vs Hagatha the Vengeful

Alexstrasza's hero power will quickly make the difference on the board, as it allows us to set a minion's health to 5.

Your Warrior/Druid deck with Dragon Synergy will benefit from this, especially against Vengeful Hagatha — who turns out to be rather passive.

At first, her hero power seems a bit frightening, but she doesn't abuse it, making the fight quite straightforward.

You'll only have to face a few unimpressive Shaman cards and go get your loot chest.

With this last boss defeated, you'll be rewarded with two copies of Skyvateer and Explosive Evolution.

Everything about Galakrond's Awakening

The third chapter of Galakrond's Awakening was just released yesterday. Fights, rewards, price — everything you need to know about Hearthstone's latest solo adventure is in this dedicated article!

Jérémie Mathis

Associate Editor - MGG FR

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