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Explorers Campaign - Hearthstone, Galakrond's Awakening: Chapter 3 Guide

Hearthstone, Galakrond's Awakening: Chapter 3 Guide
Explorers Campaign
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The third chapter of Galakrond's Awakening, Hearthstone's latest solo adventure, is called Air Battle Over Dragonblight. On this page you can access all the information about the E.V.I.L campaign version — but don't worry, explorer friends, you'll find all the information for your camp on the other page!

  • You will be able to access this third chapter for 700 pieces or $6,99, like all the other chapters.
  • You will get two copies of each card rewarded at the end of boss fights!

Air Battle Over Dragonblight: The Explorers campaign

In the course of this adventure, the forces of the Good and the E.V.I.L will face each other one last time in Northrend, for the future of the world of Azeroth. In a similar way to the first chapter, you will play as one of the Explorers, and you will face these the vile Legions of E.V.I.L., in order to thwart their plans... Your deck (and your opponent's) is pre-built and themed according to your hero!

First Battle: Dragonrider Brann vs Rotwing

Like in the first chapter, you embody the proud Brann, and his Hunter deck — except he's riding a Dragon.

You'll face the Dearthrattle Dragon Priest deck of Rotwing, and his quite entertaining hero power: Rot Aura. For (1) mana, he will trigger ALL Deathrattle effects. Since he always casts it at the beginning of his turn, it's acting in a similar way to a passive.

Your own hero power, Trusty Whip, will allow you to deal 1 damage to a minion and the minion right of it for (2) mana. While it's super useful and effective in the early, it will slowly become irrelevant in the fight.

Heroic mode

Your opponent's hero power now costs only (1) mana.

Once again, this fight is pretty easy to deal with since you're directly benefiting from your opponent's hero power. Don't hesitate to play your Deathrattle cards and keep them on the board as long as possible instead of immediately trading them. You'll be able to generate an incredible value with this method.

At the outcome of this battle, you will be rewarded with two copies of Rotnest Drake.

Second Battle: Chromie vs Dragonslayer Skruk

This is undoubtedly the most complicated fight of this chapter — and also the most entertaining.

For this fight, you play as Chromie and her Paladin Deck, against Skruk who plays a Dragon Hunter Warrior. you'll quickly notice that your opponent has 200 HP, which seems quite obnoxious to deal with.

Moreover, Skruk's hero power seems quite overpowered:

  • (0) Gronnic Strength: Give your minions +1/+1 (wherever they are)

Don't worry, you'll be able to rely on a super strong and fun hero power: Chronoeco!

  • (2) Chronoeco: Summon an Echo of Me.
  • Echo of Me: 0/6, "After you cast a spell on another friendly minion, cast a copy of it on this one."

Heroic mode

Your opponent's hero power now costs only (1) mana.

After inflicting a big amount of damage to Skruk thanks to a completely overpowered board, the Dragonslayer will cast a quite unfair spell...

Wait a second. It feels scripted...


If you keep scrolling, you'll reveal the twist that precisely makes this fight fun.

After getting killed, an animation invades the screen and you'll find yourself transformed into Chronormu. You have 60HP and your new hero power, Chronomical Distortion, allows you to take two turns instead of one. From now on, the fight will be pretty straightforward: with such a hero power, you'll have no difficulties at all building super strong board and reducing Skruk to 0 HP.

At the outcome of this fight, you'll be rewarded with two Aeon Reaver copies.

Last Battle: The Wanderer vs The Slipstream

It's a back-to-back fight, and pretty much a mirror from the E.V.I.L. campaign's one.

Same hero power, same cards, the only difference lies in the fact that you're now playing The Wanderer instead of The Slipstream.

Heroic mode

Your opponent's hero power now costs only (1) mana.

Summon pirates and rush your opponents, or play slowly by stacking cannons — the strategy really depends on you! Overall, it's not a difficult fight at all.

With this last boss defeated, you'll be rewarded with two copies of Scalelord and Sky Gen'ral Kragg

Everything about Galakrond's Awakening

The third chapter of Galakrond's Awakening was just released yesterday. Fights, rewards, price — everything you need to know about Hearthstone's latest solo adventure is in this dedicated article!

Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

Co-written with : Durvil
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