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FFXIV 5.41 The Diadem and Ishgardian Restoration Guide

FFXIV 5.41 The Diadem and Ishgardian Restoration Guide

With Patch 5.41 for Final Fantasy XIV, the Diadem is now full of awesome rewards! In this FF14 guide, we'll cover gathering and fishing in the Diadem as well as the rewards you can earn including the Skyworker's set and Big Shell Mount.

FFXIV 5.41 The Diadem and Ishgardian Restoration Guide
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With the release of Patch 5.41 and the addition of new rewards it seems the Ishgardian Restoration and the Diadem have a lot to offer in Final Fantasy XIV!

In this guide, we will cover the various mechanics of the Diadem as well as the list of rewards available in exchange for Skybuilder's Scrips.

Once you have unlocked the Ishgardian Restoration in Ishgard via the "Towards the Firmament" quest, you'll have access to the Firmament. This zone will guide you through the reconstruction of Ishgard and more importantly here, to the Diadem and your rewards.

To unlock the Diadem you simply need to use a Lv.10 gatherer class and speak to Augebert in the Firmament (X: 11.4 Y: 14.1). Follow the yellow exclamation point until you need to speak with Aurvael located a few meters away (X: 10.8 Y:14). You will then be able to go into the Diadem with any of your Lv.10+ gatherers.

Diadem spawn area and exit

Gathering in the Diadem

Once inside the Diadem, you will get access to numerous gathering spots, be it mineral deposits or fishing spots. Most gathering nodes seems to be distributing the new resources at random, meaning that mining the same spot twice, for example, will not always give you the same materials.

Materials go from Lv.10 to 80 — the higher the level the Higher the number of scrips and ranking points you get from it.

Rare materials also exist in the Diadem and are only available in given weather windows: Umbral Flare, Umbral Tempest, Umbral Levin, Umbral Duststorm

Mining a hidden node during Umbral Levin

Gathering like you usually do is not the only way to get new materials in the Diadem. In fact, the addition of a brand new weapon for gatherers gives players the ability to charge an Ather gauge before unleashing an attack, defeating monsters and getting materials from them!

Feel free to use this new Aetheromatic Auger as much as you can and get extra collectibles!

Aetheromatic Auger

Approving your materials

Gathering resources in the Diadem will not allow you to use these just yet. In fact, you will need to talk to Flotpassant in the Firmament in Ishgard (X 10.8 Y:14) in order to get your materials approved.

Grade 2 Jade before approval
Grade 2 Jade after approval
Approval process

Getting approval for your materials will award you with Skybuilders' scrips on top of giving the opportunity to use these materials in exclusive Ishgardian Restoration crafts.

Getting approval is available for Miners, Fishers, and Botanists.

NOTE: Unapproved materials cannot be traded or sold. On the contrary, once approved, Grade 2 materials can be traded!


Players will be able to exchange your Skybuilders scrips for an updated list of exclusive rewards!

To exchange your scrips you'll need to speak with Enie in the Firmament (X:12 Y:14).

We hope this guide will help you with the new Diadem system. If you have any questions or information you want to share, feel free to leave us a message in the comments section below!

FFXIV 5.4 Launch Trailer
Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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